Monday, August 27, 2012

why are bloggers quiting!?

Hello jammers there is a sad news that half af aj bloggers in blogger is quitting cause they dint have a enough comments or viewers! I mean i have to have no comments and no one helping me to with my blog and i got people who likes my kid-friendly blog of animal jam! I mean I think it is just plain dumb to quit!
i started blogging cause 3 main reason! 1.My writing teacher past away so i thought i will dedicate her life to blogging!2. Witch hatbunny and snowyclaw inspired me! 3. I Thought it will be fun!
Those are my reasons! And Witch hatbunny Quited!!! And whole other bloggers!!! I am not quitting!

Welcome to thcool's blog of animal jam

i am the creator of this blog i am owner of the blog and a member of animal jam city. I wrote this blog so you can understand whats is going on in jamma and whats new so please enjoy my blog!!!